Thursday, February 25, 2010

Progress Reports

It is hard to believe that we are half way through the 3rd marking period. We will be sending home Progress reports with students tomorrow (Friday 2-26) as long as everything goes ok with the printing. We have had a little trouble with the system the last two days so we are hoping that it will be up and running to print our reports.

AR Update!
We are finally in full swing with AR. It took 5th grade awhile to get their feet wet and understand that just checking out the book and carrying it around does not earn AR points. You need to actually read the book and take a test :) hahhahahaha!! Please look for new AR goals to come home and a tracking sheet so students can keep track of tests that they have taken.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snow Make Up Days!!!!

The make up days for the two days missed earlier in the week due to inclement weather will be Monday, February 15 and Friday, March 19. 

Dr. DePaul